Strategic Multiplayer Wargame
The game
Follow the Banner is a multiplayer strategic medieval warfare game. It runs on any web browser (computer, tablet and mobile, no installation required)
Two armies composed of players (or bots if needed) fight in turn-based battles on hexagon maps. The armies are organized with :
- a general in charge of strategy that gives orders to sergeants
- sergeants that carry out orders to their squads (and must take initiatives .. or not)
- soldiers that try to follow orders and survive !
The gameplay
Battles are turn-based with a turn time limit.
Each player can make one action per turn : move, fight, use a skill or an object ; actions are resolved simultaneously.
The general is the only one with a global vision of the battlefield as he can see around himself AND around his sergeants. Others can only see around themselves.
The story
The Three Crowns war left the Kingdom of Westmark in ruins.
Now the Warrior Clans are recovering and fighting for the Shattered Throne.
You must choose your camp and get ready for battle.
"If words of command are not clear and distinct, if orders are not thoroughly understood, then the general is to blame. But, if orders are clear and the soldiers nevertheless disobey, then it is the fault of their officers."